Learn how Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) model makes you faster, better, and more efficient.
Learn how Cobalt’s Pentest as a Service (PtaaS) model makes you faster, better, and more efficient.

Pentester Guides (9)

A Pentester’s Guide to Server Side Request Forgery (SSRF)

What is SSRF? In a Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) attack, the attacker can abuse functionality on the server to...
Oct 1, 2020
Est Read Time: 4 min

A Pentester’s Guide to SQL Injection (SQLi)

This blog will be one of many created alongside our Hacking How-To series, an educational video series around everyday...
Sep 17, 2020
Est Read Time: 5 min

Pentest Workflow — Leveraging Community-Powered Tools

As a pentester, I like to look for ways to leverage automation so I can focus my efforts on bugs that are hard to...
Apr 14, 2020
Est Read Time: 3 min

Anatomy of Authentication Tests

Introduction Authentication, as OWASP states, is the process of verifying that an individual, entity, or website is who...
Mar 5, 2020
Est Read Time: 4 min

The Anatomy of Deserialization Attacks

What is Deserialization? Serialization is the process of turning some object into a data format that can be restored...
Jan 23, 2020
Est Read Time: 7 min

Understanding the Anatomy of an Attack

Notable, high-impact security breaches sadly make regular headlines. You might be tempted to dismiss the latest as just...
Nov 21, 2019
Est Read Time: 9 min

How to Scope a Network Penetration Test: Tips from an Expert Pentester

During a network pentest engagement, time is of the essence. A penetration tester has a fixed amount of time, typically...
Oct 3, 2019
Est Read Time: 4 min

A Pentester’s Favorite Vulnerability Scanning Tools

It’s important to note that a vulnerability scan is not a pentest. Automation isn’t a bad thing, it’s actually...
Sep 27, 2019
Est Read Time: 3 min

Is Your Serverless App Secure?

In the past few months, I’ve hosted several sessions on serverless security for serverless developers and DevOps folks....
Aug 6, 2019
Est Read Time: 4 min
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